162. A Midlife Journey Toward Wholeness with Shawn Fink

"Self-advocacy starts with recognizing our needs, our values, and our opinions... and giving ourselves the permission to ask that others take those seriously." — Shawn Fink
- Why self fragmentation occurs and why it shows up at work and home
- What is a “wholeness journey” and what is its end goal
- Self-advocacy: what it looks like and how it sounds
- The idea behind small brave YESes
- Where to begin our wholeness journey

Shawn Fink is the founder and host of The Brave Yes Show and a coach for Gen X women who want to redefine themselves or their careers for the next half of their lives. In this episode, we explore what leads to self-fragmentation, how we can recognize it, and how we can begin the journey to our whole self. We also talk about a very important thing – self-advocacy – and how this is such a critical skill to learn and hone.

For all the links and show notes, head on over to https://secondbreaks.com/podcast
162. A Midlife Journey Toward Wholeness with Shawn Fink
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