111. Start a Side Hustle with Affiliate Marketing | John Lagoudakis

John Lagoudakis was looking for an alternative way to make a living. One that earned enough to support his family and gave him the flexibility to spend time with his young kids. He stumbled upon a book that turned his beliefs about time and money upside down and paved the way to his new career in digital marketing.
In this episode:
  • How John started his side hustle and his initial foray into Clickbank
  • The difference between network marketing, multi-level marketing, affiliate marketing, and online marketing
  • The major change Google implemented that closed his account and shut down his revenue source
  • How John recovered from Google’s changes and how he manages the risk of similar occurrences in the future
  • Why affiliate marketing is a good place to start for newcomers to the online marketing space
For the show notes, highlights, and links, visit https://secondbreaks.com/podcast
111. Start a Side Hustle with Affiliate Marketing | John Lagoudakis
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