112. Channeling Your Skills Into a New Side-Hustle with Justine Sones

Justine Sones had already established herself as a licensed massage therapist when she started considering the idea of location-independent work. Finding out that she was pregnant just made her more serious about exploring other options. When she saw a random request on Facebook for social media marketing help, she raised her hand. Leaning into the skills she had honed in her massage therapy work, she grew this small side-job into something more expansive and the basis of her new career as a business strategist for mom entrepreneurs.
Highlights of Episode 112:
  • How a side-hustle got started by raising her hand when someone asked for help on Facebook
  • How this seemingly insignificant work grew into something bigger and became the basis of her new career
  • Justine’s approach to channeling the skills she mastered in one field of work into another
  • The idea that we can be headstrong about our goals but flexible about the way we will achieve these goals
  • The principle of ‘ruling things out’ when considering a new career
 For the show notes, highlights, and links, visit https://secondbreaks.com/podcast
112. Channeling Your Skills Into a New Side-Hustle with Justine Sones
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