117. Building Career Resilience with Dr. Nayla Bahri

"There are things we can do to build our resilience. And we should be doing these when times are good, not just when we've been kicked to the curb." — Dr. Nayla Bahri
Leadership and career development coach Dr. Nayla Bahri researched disruption and career resilience by studying professionals who lost their jobs during the 2008 Recession. She discovered behaviors and habits that differentiated those who remained stuck versus those who were able to move forward and thrived. The best thing is that there’s nothing special about these behaviors. In this episode, we explore these practical activities that we can practice to strengthen our resilience muscle. Because as Nayla points out, the best time to think about these practices is when times are good.

Highlights of Episode 117
  • The three situations that the people Nayla studied fell into post-recession
  • The behaviors that differentiated people who remained stuck from those who were able to move forward and thrived
  • Why resilience isn’t all about being positive or optimistic
  • The inner and outer work that we can do strengthen our resilience muscle
  • Why changing careers isn’t a requirement to bouncing back
  • How experimentation helps and how we can benefit
 For the show notes, highlights, and links, visit https://secondbreaks.com/podcast
117. Building Career Resilience with Dr. Nayla Bahri
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