119. From Idea to Side-Project to Full-Time Gig with Zoha Abbas

"When you’re doing your own thing, it’s like you’re off the rails. You can literally go in any direction that you want. You have to be able to trust yourself in order to make the decisions and take the steps toward where you want to go." — Zoha Abbas
Zoha Abbas was let go during a recent round of layoffs at the advertising agency where she worked as a senior copywriter. Good thing that she had already been working on a side gig for three years. Though it was a bit earlier than her original plans, she took the opportunity to go all-in and turn her side project into her full-time gig. Zoha and I talked about how she found clarity around the kind of side business she wanted to grow, the first few steps she did to get off the ground (which by the way, included one thing I wished I had done and the thing I would do differently if I could do a Mulligan), and how she manages the inevitable fears and gremlin voices that chime in when she wants to do something courageous.

For the full transcrtip and links, visit https://secondbreaks.com/podcast
119. From Idea to Side-Project to Full-Time Gig with Zoha Abbas
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