142. The Podcast Producer with Sean McMullin

“I imagine myself on a spaceship, sitting at a console, with all these readings coming back from different bridges.” —Sean McMullin
With over a million shows on Apple Podcasts alone and huge podcast investments made by companies, the podcasting industry is only expected to grow. This industry is supported by a cornucopia of roles and jobs for folks who want to be in on the action and there are different ways to work in the industry. In this episode, we take a peek behind the scenes at the role of the podcast producer.

To explore this role, I’m joined by Sean McMullin. Sean is the co-founder of Yellow House Media, a podcast production company that produces many shows including What Works, Break the Ceiling, Happier Approach, among others.

For the show notes, highlights, and links, visit https://secondbreaks.com/podcast
142. The Podcast Producer with Sean McMullin
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