All Episodes

Displaying episodes 121 - 150 of 242 in total

122. Remove the Stress When Kicking Off a Post Retirement Career with Mary Beth Simon

When people have said to me, “You can’t do that, no one else does that,” I thought, “Let’s keep going with this and see if I can do that.” — Mary Beth Simón

121. Balancing a Day Job and Your Passion Projects with KC Karr

"When you're pursuing your passion on the side, it's important that you find your people — those who will understand what it is you're trying to do." — KC Carr

120. How to De-Risk Your Move to Self-Employment with Matt Baker

"One of the ways to de-risk your transition is to look at the emotional ups and downs of running a business. It is a rollercoaster ride. And you want to be prepared fo...

119. From Idea to Side-Project to Full-Time Gig with Zoha Abbas

"When you’re doing your own thing, it’s like you’re off the rails. You can literally go in any direction that you want. You have to be able to trust yourself in order ...

118. How to Protect Yourself and Your Side Gig with Autumn Witt Boyd

"A lot of people think, 'Oh, I'm not selling anything yet, I don't need to worry about any of this stuff.' But you do." — Autumn Witt Boyd

117. Building Career Resilience with Dr. Nayla Bahri

"There are things we can do to build our resilience. And we should be doing these when times are good, not just when we've been kicked to the curb." — Dr. Nayla Bahri

116. What happened to the podcast and what’s next

There hasn’t been a new episode since mid-October. Did I fall off the face of the earth? Did I cancel the podcast? Here’s the real deal.

115. Starting a Side-Gig Partnership With a Colleague | Karena Skibinski

"We make a good team together. I honestly feel that if it wasn’t for both of us working together, I probably would have been a little bit more hesitant to start a side...

114. Leverage Your Core Strength with Michelle Mazur

He said, ‘You have all of this knowledge about communication and you’re not doing anything with it. Put what you know out into the world because it’s not doing any goo...

113. Speed Up Financial Independence Through a Side-Hustle

You can speed up financial independence with a side-hustle, but you have to start with an intentional approach and take smart steps toward your goal. Kim, who writes a...

112. Channeling Your Skills Into a New Side-Hustle with Justine Sones

Justine Sones had already established herself as a licensed massage therapist when she started considering the idea of location-independent work. Finding out that she ...

111. Start a Side Hustle with Affiliate Marketing | John Lagoudakis

John Lagoudakis was looking for an alternative way to make a living. One that earned enough to support his family and gave him the flexibility to spend time with his y...

110. Expanding Your Expertise Through a Side Hustle | Melissa Emler

Just because you start a side hustle doesn’t mean you hate your current work. A side gig can be an interesting way to expand your expertise in a field you love while e...

109. Working a Job to Finance a Dream Business | Althea Wiles

While in college, Althea Wiles discovered that working around flowers was her dream job. Not simply as a florist helping build someone else’s business. She wanted her ...

108. Starting a Side Consulting Business with Susan Boles

Prioritization and discernment are two important skills you must master when you have a day job and a side-hustle. When you only have an hour or two and that’s all you...

107. Why Start a Side Hustle – Even if You Don’t Need the Extra Money

Second Breaks is exploring what it takes to successfully start and sustain a side hustle. From September 5th, the podcast is starting a series of episodes diving into ...

106. Career Change: Embracing Your New Identity with Lee Chaix McDonough

One of the joys of making a career change is becoming something or someone new. Reinventing ourselves. Letting go of the old and donning on a new hat that more closely...

105. Technology and Work-Life Balance: 5 Things That Will Keep Tech Helpful

Technology makes things easier and improves our quality of life. But it also brings complications and creates stress unique to its very presence. How can we keep techn...

104. Work-Life Balance: Making the Best Use of Your Time With Your Kids

What is the best and most effective use of your limited time with your young kids? Strength-in-Words Founder Ayelet Marinovich shares practical tips.

103. Do the Hustle But Skip the Stress with Nik Poplavsky

How do we pursue success and vigorously go after our goals while avoiding stress and burnout? Is this possible? Former lawyer Nik Poplavksy certainly knows a thing or ...

Is Busyness a Problem That Needs Fixing | Kathy Bourque

Are you one of those people who are always busy? Here’s how to tell if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, and where to focus your attention instead. Kathy Bourque, au...

Work Life Balance is Personal

“We need to stop judging other people’s work-life balance.” — Gary Vaynerchuk

7 Lessons I Learned From My Guests – Special 100th Episode

In this special 100th episode, I’m sharing seven key takeaways and lessons learned from previous guests. Featuring short excerpts from the relevant conversations with ...

[99] Reinventing Yourself and Your Career | Joanna Penn

“When you change your career, you don’t just leave your job and start at the top of a new ladder. You often start at the bottom of a new ladder.” — Joanna Penn

[98] On Staying Resilient and Pulling Off Pivots | Tara McMullin

"Anytime you're pushing the envelope and moving forward with new ideas or making a pivot, things are in flux and you don't know as many answers to as many questions as...

[97] A Mind-Body-Spirit Approach to Figuring Out Your Career Path

“It takes up so much energy to put up a facade, to make an impression, and to ‘fake it’. And what ends up happening, in the end, is that you dread the job you worked h...

[96] Financial Considerations for Your Career Move | Christina Gatteri

"When you think about making a change, the financial aspects of it is always the first thing that comes to mind because that's going to be the biggest thing that holds...

[95] Reconciling Purpose, Passion and Income | Meg Casebolt

Did you start out with an idealistic dream of making a difference and being of service? What happened to those dreams? How do they show up in your work today?

[94] About Those Things You Feel You’re Not Good Enough to Do

Do you have things you want to do but feel you can’t do them because you’re not good enough? Or maybe that you’re too this or not enough of that?

[93] Leveraging Your Hard-Earned Expertise as a Consultant | Michael Zipursky

Are you looking to leverage your hard-earned expertise to take your career in a new direction? Starting a consultancy practice may be an option worth considering. I'm ...

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